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Quality control

Quality control

Before the publication, delivery, or launch of your content, knowing that the material fulfils its purpose and function is essential. We run rigorous testing to ensure that the content meets the highest quality standards and meets its intended purpose, whether it is a website, an application, an electronic manual, or any other format.

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In addition to the three main stages of the translation process, translation, proofreading, and editing, at Net-Translations we add a final stage: quality control, applying the translation-sector-specific ISO 17100 standards, in which a translator other than the initial translator revises the translated content. For this stage, we have proofreaders and correctors as well as layout and IT specialists who check all translations, regardless of the type of platform it is available on. In addition to the staff member in charge, we use different tools to carry out this function that allow us to confirm any text with no limit on characters or linked resources.