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DTP – Desktop Publishing

DTP - Desktop Publishing

Desktop publishing (DTP) is the process (and the professional activity) of laying out pages of books or other publications using software. It has replaced traditional publishing thanks to the breakthroughs in technology at all stages of publishing: typesetting, page layout, image processing, online image production, style and typographical correction, printing, etc.

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net-translations DTP autoedicion icono

Our goal is to be your one-stop-shop for all your language needs. That means that our service does not end with multilingual content delivery. Our expert in-house staff have the skills and tools to design, edit, and lay out material in any format and in any language.

We know that today that few translations are intended for just a mere plain document. That’s why we want to provide you with a translation that follows the same structure as the original, which we make possible thanks to our team of graphic designers who will offer and implement a wide selection of resources, fonts, and styles.