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Document management

Document management

Document management is the set of rules, techniques, and practices used to manage the flow of all kinds of documents within an organisation, facilitate information retrieval from them, determine how long documents should be kept, eliminate those no longer needed, and ensure the continued conservation of the most valuable of them, applying principles of streamlining and conservation.

A successful communication strategy looks beyond the present. Instead of focusing on the creation and translation of a single document needed for a one-time task, there must be a global vision of the communicative need, the addressee, and the context. Thinking about how to do this in the long term is crucial. As a product’s documentation accumulates so do its versions and at the same time new markets or needs may emerge. To address this, a robust process is needed to safeguard the integrity of your brand and control costs.

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net-translations gestion documental icono

Our aim is to reach agreements with our clients to create a stable workflow for all documentation and communication at the corporate level. We create and manage translation memories, terminology databases, glossaries, style guides, and other tools to make the most of existing material and ensure quality. That’s why we work with the best experts for each job and establish dedicated teams for each project.

A good translation starts with a well-written original. A good business relationship starts with well-planned communication.